Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer Wind Down

As the start of school approaches and we know the hot summer days will inevitably come to an end and routines will begin, we seem to try to pack as much summer fun in as we can. We have been meeting up with lots of friends and squeezed in a few more activities that were on our bucket list for the summer.

PepperFest Parade

We found ourselves at the Como Waterpark a few times as a way to beat the heat

Loving the lazy river

Splash pad with Honsa and Meyer boys

Como Zoo

Como playground


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Long Lake

It is so refreshing to disconnect and truly enjoy a truly beautiful summer weekend. We were at the Williams' cabin. Our boys are exactly the same ages and they play together so well. The weekend was relaxing and full of laughs and the kids enjoyed swimming, boating, fishing, baseball, and lots of yummy treats. All the kids even slept together in the loft area. I just love making fun memories like this as a family!

A beautiful lake, the water was so clear

Fishing guides

Aaron trying out the paddle board and Buzz making sure he doesn't go too far

Evan wanted to try too

The boys caught tons of fish off of the dock

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baby Dylan

We had all been anticipating the arrival of the Kurisu crew. The kids were especially excited to see their cousin. Dylan is as sweet as ever. You can't help but want to cuddle with him. I was really amused to watch Adam and Evan interact with him. The both talked to him in a "baby voice" and were very gentle with him. Evan seemed to think he had to get right up to his face to talk to him though. Pretty funny!

Get ready for picture overload!


So excited to be checking out a police car

Evan looking for the sirens


Watching the horses

Mini golf

Aaron was going to play with Adam, but Evan jumped right in instead

Dylan and Bubba


Loving the icees


Evan's favorite part

Adam was giving his pony commands - so cute!
Working on cutting some teeth

Adam enjoyed his role as the BIG cousin

Cora and Dylan

Sitzmann side here to visit Dylan

Trying out the Green Egg... it was a good thing Al showed up.

Cora getting sandwiched


Dylan is on the move!

Such a sweet face

This is how close Evan gets to Dylan to talk to him:)

The boys insisted on taking Dylan to the park.


He liked it!


Such a ham for the camera

Evan announced "I am done" after sitting for this photo

Beep, Beep!

Snuggling with Grandma

And Heather

Grandpa's turn!
Evan bowling with the ramp
Adam did pretty good (with bumpers)
Always reaching for the HEAVIEST ball
Fun afternoon playing laser tag and bowling with the big boys


Adam's turn on the go kart

Life at the lake

Getting lots of attention from the big kids