Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Preparing our delicious food for the evening
Evan was a big fan of the food

Snuggles with Jenn

We didn't actually see midnight. We celebrated early.

Singing some Johnny Cash with Uncle Matt

Evan looks like he is up to something here

Bear hug for Bubba

Wishing you all a wonderful 2012!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Christmas Fun

We had a post-Christmas celebration with the Schmuckers since we were out of town this year. The cousins always have a blast together and Kate was here for an extended visit.  The kids really got attached to her while she was here (Bennie too).

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Tradition

We look forward to seeing the Anderson crew around the holidays when everyone is back in town.  This year was extra special because it was the first time that Olivia was here to join us.  We have known the Anderson kids since we were this age, so it's fun to see our kids together.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

An Iowa Christmas

We spent a couple days in Iowa for Christmas surrounded by lots of family.  It was a merry Christmas and we hope yours was too.
Evan was the life of the party.  The cookies may have played a role in that.
Adam stayed close to my cousin Mitchell, kind of like a shadow

Emily and Max.  Max and Evan are just weeks apart in age.

He loves being a big boy

Starting to get ready for the gift exchange on Christmas Eve

Aaron opened some Hawkeye merchandise, which was quickly snatched up

Adam and Austin

Santa found us in Iowa.  Here Adam waits very patiently to open presents.

So excited!!!

Evan got the hang of opening gifts too.

Reading one of his new books and eating a treat from his stocking - what a life.

The boys enjoyed a Christmas lights tour - we could even walk through this person's display.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Meeting Cameron

Our friends, Margo and Andy, received the best Christmas gift of all, a sweet baby boy! It was great to meet him and spend time with many college friends and their little ones too. Thanks to the Wicklanders for organizing and for putting up with the chaos:)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Spirit of Christmas

The boys get so excited about all of the holiday preparations.  They couldn't wait to help decorate the tree, string the Christmas lights outside, bake holiday treats, or find Alphie each morning. Their excitement is contagious and it makes all the work worthwhile.  I wish I could keep them this age forever!

I think he was afraid we would take it away if he set it down to decorate.
Load up those sprinkles!
He does not like to be left out of anything!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas concert

Adam's preschool class, along with a couple of the other classes, prepared many weeks for a special Christmas concert.  The kids did such a great job.  They entertained us for twenty minutes with their singing and actions. I had heard Adam practicing many of the songs leading up to the conert, but it was really fun to see all of the kids together singing their hearts out.

Friday, December 16, 2011

New Title to Defend

Our neighborhood Christmas party had an ugly sweater theme this year.  Aaron was declared the winner of the prestigious goblet.  Here is a picture of Aaron modeling the winning sweater.  Adam gets the photo credit, which is why you can't see much of the sweater, but you get the idea.  The "ugly sweater" title was well-deserved.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Visit with Santa

Adam was so excited to talk with Santa this year.  He had lots of things he wanted to tell him and questions to ask him, such as...
"Thanks for bring Alphie to our house" (our elf on the shelf)
"Maybe you should shave your beard"
"Do you sleep with your jacket on?"
We waited quite a long time for our turn to talk to Santa and drank some hot chocolate to stay warm in line, so we shouldn't have been surprised when Adam informed us he had to go potty when it was his turn next. We decided to make our visit with Santa very quick.  Adam told Santa all he wanted was a forklift and Santa asked if some surprises would be OK too.  Evan wasn't quite as comfortable with Santa, but Adam told Santa he is a good boy.

Christmas Tree Hunt

Adam joined Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Matt on the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree.  It has always been a Dynan family tradition to cut down a tree for Christmas.  There is a tree farm just down the road from where we live.  Adam rode on a tractor, helped pick out/cut down the tree, and drank apple cider by a bonfire afterwards.  Sounds like a pretty adventurous morning!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Evan - 15 months

Evan is always in the middle of any action (or mischief).  He is full of life and so much fun to be around.  This is what he is up to at fifteen months:
  • Weight: 20lbs 1oz (3%), Height: 29.5" (8%). He is our little peanut.
  • He is cutting four more teeth, the upper and lower canines.  He will have 16 when they all come through.
  • I think Evan's official first word is "mama".  He has been saying both "mama" and "dada" for quite some time, but now he tugs on my leg and yells "mama" over and over again.
  • Evan is still taking 2 naps each day.  We experimented without the morning nap a few days, but I don't think he is quite ready to give it up.  He gets up around 6:30/7 and takes a long morning nap around 9:30.  He takes an afternoon nap around 2:30 and is ready for bed just after 8.  He has turned into a great sleeper.
  • Evan leads us to the pantry multiple times throughout the day looking for a treat.  He lets out desperate cries when he doesn't get what he wants, but his tantrums don't last very long.  He definitely likes sweets.
  • He loves his pacifiers and wants one in his mouth and two or three in his hands if possible.  He is also starting to enjoy cuddling a little panda bear stuffed animal.
  • Evan doesn't have many words, but he understands so much.  He follows instructions and points to many objects in books.
  • We could kiss his cheeks all day long. It is so much fun watching him grow and his personality develop.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We had a very enjoyable traditional Thanksgiving lunch with the Schmuckers.  Great-grandma Elsie was able to join us despite a little fall the day prior and Nicole and Dallas were able to join us with their sweet baby boy just out of the hospital!  We have so much to be thankful for.
Adam, Soren, and Hanna waiting patiently for lunch to be ready
Evan now has a little cousin to pick on:)

Meet Sander Odin Apold

Great-grandma Elsie and Adam share a birthday - she will be 90 in February!

Great-grandma Elsie enjoys the kids so much.

Getting every last crumb of his pumpkin pie

Artists at work