Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dinner and Boats

We took advantage of another nice day.  We grabbed a quick bite to eat and then walked along the river and watched all of the boats.  Both boys were so excited.
Evan watching the bridge

There were so many boats waiting to go under

Having so much fun

Friday, August 26, 2011


Both boys have been working on balancing.

Adam has been riding a balance bike (basically a bike without pedals). It is AMAZING how quickly kids figure out how to balance on these all on their own. Adam has been getting braver and has been cruising down some pretty big hills around our house. Adam, Willy, and Dillon meet up most nights to ride bikes.

Evan is taking steps! He started standing for longer periods a few days ago. He is quite determined, so I imagine it won't be long before he is walking instead of crawling as the preferred way to get from place to place.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pepper Fest 2011

I love this time of year. It's so nice to be outside and there are so many different things to do in the area. Pepper Fest always has lots of fun activities for the kids and it's just down the road!

The bank had a petting zoo and ice cream treats one afternoon. This goat was so sweet. Some of them can be so aggressive.
Feeding a llama
Adam with our neighbors, Dillon and Willy.
The parade was lots of fun too. The boys got soooo much candy.
Evan really wanted some candy too.

Monday, August 15, 2011


We met some friends for another local Okee Dokee Brothers (ODB) concert. It is so fun to be outdoors listening to some fun music and we all stopped for some ice cream at Nelson's afterwards.
Adam and Evan both danced to all of their favorite songs. Adam's dancing is more reserved in public compared to what his dance moves look like at home. Check out the videos below of both boys enjoying their music.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A day at the beach

The weather was so nice that we decided to ditch the chores and head to the beach just minutes down the road. The boys loved the water and we had a nice picnic lunch after all of our swimming/splashing and sandcastle building.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Swimming Lessons

I had debated taking the summer off for lessons, but since he had just started in the spring and had a good experience, I wanted to keep the momentum going. I'm so glad I did. He is getting so much more comfortable in the water and is excited to go each week. His lessons ended today, which is another sad sign that the end of summer is drawing near.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nature Center

Thanks to the Knippel crew for a fun morning of exploring, climbing, digging, and splashing.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Adam gets so excited to mow the lawn with Aaron. He asks almost daily if the lawn needs mowing. He watches and mimics Aaron's every move on the mower (from a safe distance of course). It is pretty cute to watch and makes a weekly chore a lot more enjoyable.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A night out

Thanks to Nana and Papa for watching the boys so Aaron and I could enjoy some time away. We were able to attend the beautiful wedding of a family friend. Adam was able to golf with his Daddy and Papa before we had to leave. He played all 18 holes. I never thought he would last that long, but he proved me wrong and had a blast.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bluegrass for Breakfast

Adam sings this Okee Dokee Brothers song all day long:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Washington County Fair

My mom and I have made attending the Washington County Fair an annual event. We were so excited that the Okee Dokee Brothers were playing this year because Adam is a HUGE fan. We first saw them at Teddy Bear Park with the Rosckes crew and he has been singing their songs ever since.

Dancing to the Okee Dokee Bros
It was pretty entertaining to watch Adam
All of the kids formed a train for one of the songs
Grandpa was able to sneak away fromt he office for a bit to hang with us
The Okee Dokee Brothers. Adam was very shy around them after the show, but insisted we go and give them high fives.
Adam riding a pony
Evan was entertained by it all and watched all of the animals closely
Adam loves to sit on all of the tractors
Another fun year at the fair!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Evan - 11 months

It is really starting to feel like Evan is changing all the time. I cannot believe he will be ONE next month!
  • Evan loves to eat. He is adventurous about trying new foods too. He practically tackles Adam in an attempt to share snacks with him. It is also one of the few times he will sit still.
  • He is on the move constantly. He loves to climb. He can climb up and down the stairs and attempts to climb anything else he can reach. I have found him in the dishwasher and on top of the picnic table, always with a proud smile. He is cruising furniture with ease and is starting to stand a bit without support. He is fast and can get into things very quickly these days.
  • Evan loves toys that open and close. He also likes to play cars with Adam and even makes the "vroom" sound as he pushes them. Another favorite activity is wrestling with Adam and Daddy. He really likes throwing balls back and forth with us too.
  • Evan makes both the "ma" and "da" sounds, but doesn't use them for us necessarily.
  • He is waving to say "hi" or "bye" and dancing (bouncing) to music. It is pretty cute to see him dance to Adam playing the guitar.
  • Evan is in good nap routine. I only wish we could get him sleeping through the night. He wakes up with tummy trouble many nights!
He is such a sweet boy and such a silly boy too. He sure makes us smile and laugh.

Evan loves to find Chase throughout the house

So happy outdoors

Playing cars with Adam
Evan wants to play with whatever Adam is playing with
Such an innocent look for a guilty boy

On the move

Snuggles for Daddy - so sweet.