Saturday, September 19, 2009


Today we spent a gorgeous evening in downtown Stillwater having dinner with Nana and Papa and watching the boats in the St. Croix.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend Away

Adam spent the weekend with Grandma & Grandpa Dynan while Aaron and I attended a wedding in Madison. We had a great time catching up with friends while Adam was getting spoiled by his grandparents. We could not wait to see him once we got home and decided to head out to the park for a little more fun.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

The long weekend was full of activities and we were joined by many friends and family. We started off the weekend watching Uncle Matt and Uncle Mike participate in a triathalon and enjoyed a belated birthday dinner for Uncle Mike. We also had a family golf tournament and BBQ which was extra exciting with Nicki's hole-in-one. It was also Cael's golden birthday and the first-ever "man golf" debut.

Adam enjoyed having houseguests and followed the boys around everywhere they went.

Laughs with Uncle Matt
Adam and his extended cousins
The crew
Adam spotting a frog that Cael just released
Getting tickled by Aunt Jenn

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Up close and personal

We had a really fun morning at the zoo with our neighbors. Adam and I fed a giraffe and it was such a neat experience to be up so close to one. They have long, strong tongues and it was quick to snatch both biscuits from us. As soon as we walked away, Adam signed to me for "more". I asked if he wanted to feed the giraffe again and he said "yeah".