Friday, May 31, 2013


It was a big morning for us. Adam bravely pulled out his wiggly tooth and had a nice visit from the tooth fairy later that night. He had strategically placed a Lego catalog out as a hint to the tooth fairy right under the box with his tooth. She left him a certificate for losing his first tooth, a Lego mini figure, and a dollar bill.

It finally came out!
And, after many months, we finally were able to play with the Sinna boys. They worked up quite a thirst after all of their jumping at Skyzone.
Cooling off with icees

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

Adam had to dress for "Wacky Wednesday" at preschool and his teacher brought all of the supplies to color their hair. I couldn't keep a straight face looking at him with his very bright red hair:)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Weekend

Ours plans changed very last minute for Memorial Weekend, but it gave us a chance to see some friends and get some projects done around the house. Can't beat that!

We had two loads of mulch and rock delivered just before the weekend
The boys could not wait to help

Adam was actually pretty productive

Little worker

We were able to have a fun playdate with the Kirschbaum family. They live across town, so it was a nice treat to have them in our neck of the woods. I think Teddy Bear Park was a hit with all of the kids!
Evan on the slide

The closest we came to a picture with all 4 kids:)

Adam and Madeline

Fun afternoon!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spring Music Concert

Adam had a spring music concert at his preschool. He has been singing the songs at home for a few weeks and was grinning from ear to ear as he performed them in front of a large audience.
Evan didn't move a muscle during the concert - he LOVED it!

Adam is in a green shirt in the back row, left side.

The kids all did an awesome job.

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Sunday, May 19, 2013


We went to watch my cousin's daughter play in a soccer tournament in Hudson. We see them only a few times a year, but Adam always remembers Cora. They ended up winning the tournament and he has asked about her daily since. To say Cora holds a special place in his heart in an understatement!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Signs of Spring

The many rain showers this time of year quickly green up all of the grass and shrubs. Evan loves playing in the rain and always received many compliments on his rain gear when we are out shopping:)
I forget what a miserable time of year this is for Adam. He has severe pollen allergies. His eyes are itchy, swollen, and red. He takes allergy medicine, drops, and nasal sprays and still only has temporary relief. He has been less than thrilled about having to cover his eyes with cucumbers, but it does help with puffiness for a little while.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Testing the limits

Evan has always been a great sleeper. He naps well and goes down very easily for both naptime and bedtime. In recent weeks, he has been a bit of a stinker though. He has been causing some mischief in his room instead of laying down. Hopefully it is just a little phase. I did find him tuckered out in a few cute spots after all of his horsing around though.
Sleeping behind his chair

Wiped out

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Funday

I just love when a day unexpectedly turns into a fun outing. Joe had a Friday off of school, which is also Adam's day off, and we just happened to be available to meet at the park. What a nice way to kickoff the beginning of spring.
Enjoying Teddy Bear Park with our friends.

Love eating on the patio at Leo's
The kids were beyond thrilled to share malts

As an added bonus, we walked to the river and saw the bridge go up!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back at the park

I treasure the one-on-one time with each of the boys. Evan and I have our mornings together while Adam is at school and Adam and I have a couple of hours in the afternoon together while Evan naps. Evan and I made our first stop at the park and he could not have been happier! I look forward to many more of these days!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Until next time...

We drove up to Cold Spring so we could have a chance to hang out with the Apold crew before they departed for North Carolina. Although they told us back in January that they were moving, the reality of it hasn't hit yet. We will certainly miss having them so close! We will have to get a visit planned:) 
Playing at the park

Adam and Soren
Easy-going little guys

Big "tough" guys

Cuddly cousins





Thursday, May 2, 2013

One for the record books

Adam had school canceled on May 2nd for SNOW! This is has been such a crazy spring. We didn't get that much snow at our house, but parts of our district got nine inches or more. As annoying as it is to get snow in May, I figured we may as well make the most of it.