Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We have been fortunate to get together with two of my college roommates and their boys on certain Wednesdays.  We have always been able to make it work with each of our schedules. Joe starts kindergarten in the fall and Alex and Adam will both be in school on Wednesday mornings, so we will have to come up with a new strategy to get together as we really look forward to it. It sure is fun to watch all the boys grow up and interact, especially because they are so close in age.
Alex, Adam, and Joe on their bikes

Evan, Sam, and Sam with their push toys


Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Parade

We met up for an early morning parade with some friends.  The parade was honestly only five minutes long and the kids still had piles of candy.  We couldn't stop giggling about the parade being so short.  The fire station was open though and they did have some other activities for the kids, so we had a chance to hang out together.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Music Concert

Adam's preschool had a beach-themed spring concert.  All of the kids did great.  From what we could see, Adam had a smile on his face for the entire concert.  I think he kind of likes being in the spotlight:) Thanks to both sets of grandparents for coming to watch! For those of you that didn't get to see it, there's a video preview below of one of their songs.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First T-Ball Game

Adam started t-ball and it is pretty entertaining to watch.  They put the kids on a team based on their school, so there are 5 boys on the team just from our neighborhood.  Aaron and the other dads in the neighborhood are all helping coach. He is having fun and wants to wear his #8 purple jersey everyday.
Ready position

Batter up

Good swing!

Running the bases

Post-game treats

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day, I got to choose how we were going to spend the day.  It was perfect weather and I thought a walk out on the pier and a picnic lunch would be a great way to enjoy it. Adam wanted to set out on a different path than I did on his bike, but all in all, it was a fun morning with my boys.  When we got home, they all napped while I sat out on the deck and read a book. It was so peaceful!

Ready to ride

Time for a picnic in the park

Evan was so comical.  He went around drinking all of our lemonade.

And this is how he ate his cookie.

I love spending time with these two monkeys!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Monthly Dinner (or so)

We hosted a great group of friends with their families for a fun dinner with a lot of laughs. I love that the kids have as much fun together as the adults do. 
A perfect night for eating on the deck

Adam loves being one of the "big boys"

Ella reading to Evan

Movie time

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Soren's Birthday Party

Soren had a fun birthday party at the bowling alley.  Adam had never bowled before, but he sure had a great time.  After a pizza lunch, the kids were able to play in the arcade too. Happy Birthday, Soren.  We enjoyed celebrating with you!
Using the ramp

Adam could not wait for Soren to open his blaster

Evan and Hanna pretending to race

Getting some help from Daddy

Exhausted after all the birthday fun

Saturday, May 5, 2012

This and that

Here are some random photos from the last month:
A face only a mother could love

A sweet bouquet for Mommy!

Evan is so happy playing outside

Go Twins!!

The music man

Who knew pressure washing the deck could be so fun!

Monkey see, monkey do

They would water plants for hours

Evan usually needs a dry outfit when they are finished

Loving their jammies

So sweet

We caught a butterfly and then we sent him back to be with his friends