Saturday, March 19, 2011

Adam's Birthday Month

Adam must be taking notes from Bubba because he stretched his birthday out for a whole month! The Apolds were sick for Adam's party at our house so they hosted a party for him at their house complete with a delicious meal, balloons, cupcakes, and presents. Thank you Nicole and Dallas!!
Our evening entertainment
The "Birthday Boy"
Playing with his new Jessie doll
Hanna wanted to model Adam's new Buzz Lightyear sunglasses
Papa and Evan

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A little luck

We had to drop Chase off this morning for a small surgery. I had taken him in last week for his routine visit and asked the vet to look at a growth on his cheek. She took a sample of it and we sent it to pathology because she could not tell from looking at it if it was a cyst or a tumor. The pathology came back "inconclusive", but there was a presence of some icky cells that can be aggressive. To be safe, we took the earliest appointment to have the growth removed along with the area around it. We hope that we caught it early enough and that we got all of it removed before it could spread. Chase is happy to be home, but not very excited about having to wear the cone for a couple weeks. We are hoping for a quick recovery!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I love St. Patrick's Day. It always reminds me of the fun times I had when I spent the semester in Ireland. The boys wore their new shirts (thanks Nana) and we made some green sugar cookies to get in the spirit. Adam and I even went to a nearby parade, which he LOVED!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Babies, babies, babies

We went to visit some good friends of ours that had identical twin girls. They have a boy Adam's age too, so they are definitely staying busy.

They were really good for our visit and they have beautiful red hair.

Evan with Ava and Brooke

We also had some friends over to our house and got to meet Baby Jack. Adam really wanted to hold him and told me that he was "real cute" after they left.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Look, no hands!

Evan is sitting unsupported. He is still a little wobbly, but gets stronger by the day. I thought he would be more content after reaching this milestone, but I don't think he will be happy until he is running with Adam:)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Adam's Birthday Party

We finally had Adam's birthday party today. We had planned to have it last weekend and had to postpone it due to Adam and Evan having really bad colds. Unfortunately, the Apolds had sick kids today so they couldn't make it. Otherwise it was a great day!

Time for the party!

Adam had two requests for his birthday, one being a Buzz Lightyear cake
I made these sherriff badge cookies in case the cake didn't turn out

He was so excited to open presents

Now, it's time for cake!
He loves the singing
Blowing out the candles
He did it and now we get to eat the cake
Playing with his new walkie-talkies (or hockey-talkies as he calls them)
The pet doctor is in!
A Woody doll, his other birthday wish!!

Thanks to all of our family for making Adam's birthday so special!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Just thought I would test out posting a couple videos of the boys. We bought a new Flip video camera and I am finally able to play around with it a bit. The first video is of Evan in his Exersaucer. He loves to jump! The second video is of Adam at the golf dome with Aaron. He got some new golf clubs from his grandparents for his birthday and wanted to try them out. He had a lot of fun even though the clubs are a little heavy for him.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evan - 6 months

Evan is quite a handful at six months. He is busy, busy, busy. I remember thinking that with Adam at this age too and then he became mobile!
  • At Evan's six month check-up, he weighed 14lb 11oz (6%) and was 26" long (30%). His weight gain had dropped slightly, but I think it can mostly be attributed to the bad cold he was getting over. He wasn't as interested in eating and he would cough so hard, he would throw up entire feedings multiple days in a row. The doctor confirmed that he also had an ear infection in his right ear.
  • There are still no teeth, but I'm convinced they are coming soon.
  • Evan rolls constantly from his back to his tummy, but has only rolled from his tummy to his back a few times. I've given up on trying to keep him on his back for sleeping. It seems that he much prefers his side or tummy.
  • Evan can sit for brief periods unsupported, but he doesn't stay still any longer than that. He is always reaching for something.
  • We have started feeding him rice cereal and oatmeal. He is getting the hang of eating off the spoon and seems to like the oatmeal.
  • He has started to whimper and whine when he wants something (or doesn't want to do something). He isn't content for long unless he is part of the action. He loves watching both Adam and Chase, especially when we are running around or wrestling.
  • Evan is not sleeping through the night yet. I really hope we can figure that out soon.

It is so fun watching the interaction between Adam and Evan. There is nothing sweeter than sibling love.