Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pepper Fest

We enjoyed many of North Hudson's Pepper Fest activities this year including the petting zoo, picnic, and parade. When I asked Adam what his favorite part of the parade was, he told me "suckers, cars (go-carts), bikes (unicycles), and suckers".

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Two and a half

We don't usually celebrate half birthdays in our house, but because Adam asks daily when his birthday is, we did have a "Happy Day" giant cookie on his half birthday with his friends since there were other occasions to celebrate too. It also reminded me how much Adam has changed in the last six months.
  • Adam is talking, talking, talking. He was using a lot of words at his second birthday, but now he talks in sentences and can repeat just about anything - he counts and gets most of his ABCs. He still has trouble with the "r" and "f" sounds, but he is mostly understandable. It is so fun to hear what he has to say and the expressions that go with it. I need to start writing some of his stories down.
  • Adam loves to sing and dance. I am always surprised when he knows the words to songs we haven't heard for a long time or to see some of his new dance moves.
  • He has the best imagination. He comes up with all kinds of ideas when we are playing and loves to reenact fun events. We often pretend we are back on the airplane, a boat ride, at the parade, etc. and he remembers the smallest details.
  • Toddlers are active, and Adam is no exception. He especially loves to JUMP. He jumps off everything. He really enjoys golf and baseball too.
  • MOST of the time, Adam is a very sweet little boy. It is so fun to get hugs, kisses, and "I love yous" from him. He is very gentle and plays really well with other kids. He definitely has a strong will though. It mostly comes out for only Aaron and I, but he is a handful to say the least when he has tantrums. I guess that is why they call this age "The Terrible Twos".

Adam keeps us on our toes and I can't wait to see how he does in his role as The Big Brother. Here are some recent pictures - I love all of his different expressions.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Harris Family in MN

My college roommate Monique came back to MN with her husband and two girls for a nice visit all the way from Costa Rica. We were able to get all five college roommates (plus husbands) together for a fun night out. It is so hard to believe that it's been 10 years since we graduated already!

The kids all did great together. Sara couldn't join us for our outing to the park because she was off to the hospital having her little boy, Sam.
The kids really liked our "Happy Day" desserts with candles.
Adam and Ashley about to take a cruise on the golf cart.
Meeting Sam Honsa!

It was so fun having Monique and her family back - we miss her and hope to see them all again soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Washington County Fair

Adam had so much fun at the Washington County Fair last year that we made sure we could make it back again this year. It is interesting to see how his reactions to things have changed now that he is a year older.

Aaron and Adam testing out one of the many tractors

Grandma and Adam in the swine barn - the pigs were his favorite (probably because they were sleeping)! He is now constantly pretending to be a little boy we saw there that was taking care of them.
A trip to the fair wouldn't be complete without some fair food

He plugged his ears in every barn except the swine barn

The wandering juggler gives Adam a close look
A tractor ride with Grandma and Uncle Matt

He was so excited for the carousel, but it was short-lived and he wanted Aaron to hold him for most of the ride.

Until next year...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dance Moves

Adam has always been a music lover. He has figured out how to work the CD player in his room so he can put on whatever music he likes and dance to it. He is singing along to a lot of the songs too which is so fun. I captured him in action, although he is being a bit timid with the camera out... and yes, he did dress himself in the first one:)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Like Father, Like Son

Adam was playing around with a toy camera and Grandma's house.  Daddy just happened to have his camera with him, so he snapped a few action shots.  Adam seems to have better technique than his dad.