Saturday, November 27, 2010

Evan's Baptism

Evan had a private Baptism following Mass. He did so well - he didn't fuss during mass or even when the water was poured on his head. We had a nice celebration with our families afterwards back at our house.

Evan with his godparents, Dallas and Nicole

Our family

Evan being held by Father Dan at the end of the ceremony

Matt, Soren, and Adam provided the entertainment for the party at our house

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We are thankful for the most wonderful family and friends. Here are a few pictures from both of our Thanksgiving celebrations.

Evan's first Turkey Day
Adam is thankful for his brother
Celebration #1 at the Apold's
Adam and Soren
Hanna enjoying a few books
Amy and Evan relaxing on the couch

Nana and Papa with the boys
Celebration #2 at the Dynan's. Uncle Bob played all of Adam's favorite songs on the trumpet and Adam sang along to every one.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A special message from Adam

*Adam also helped to make some special birthday treats, which is what you see all over his face:)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Snowfall

Adam was so excited to go outside and play in the fresh snow! He was even more excited when our neighbors came over to play too. This is the snowman they built (with the help of the dads). He drank hot chocolate when he came inside and asked to go out again and play in it on Sunday. He was loving it which is why I couldn't help but laugh when Sunday night he told me he was sad because he missed the grass.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Soaking up the sun

These nice days are numbered, so we were sure to get outside and soak up every minute of sunshine we could!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Evan - 2 months

Evan is two months old - it seems like I blink and another month has gone by. Here is what he is up to:
  • He gives us lots of smiles now and we just love it!
  • He is cooing a lot more too and watches us so intently when we talk to him.
  • He gets stronger and stronger holding his head up on his tummy and has even rolled over a few times.
  • Definitely recognizes his family and watches his silly brother run around
  • Struggles more with colic, especially in the evening hours
  • Weighs 11lb 11oz (48th percentile) and is 22.25" tall (23rd percentile)
  • Eats every 2-3 hrs during the day and every 3-4hrs at night
  • Showing interest in some toys
  • Is so cute and cuddly:)

Here are some pictures of our smily guy: