Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tough Guys

Makeio is Jenn/Mike's other nephew and was here visiting from Seattle for the wedding celebration. The boys played so well together and especially enjoyed riding bikes. Makeio is 2 years older than Adam and Adam was in awe of him.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wedding Celebration

Jenn and Mike planned a beautiful wedding celebration on the rooftop of the library in Stillwater overlooking the St. Croix River. It was such a fun evening - perfect weather, lots of laughs with friends & family, great food & drink, music & dancing.

I think this is one of the only family shots we managed that evening.

Here's Adam and I with the happy couple.

Adam is asking for "more tickles" from Claire and Sara.

Adam and Grandma Pam

Grandpa Dan "caught" on camera sharing his drink with Adam.

Adam got to stay up way past his bedtime for the special occasion!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Grandma's Marathon

CONGRATULATIONS to my Uncle Matt and Uncle Mike for running a marathon. You both did great!! We're so proud of you. Thanks also to my Nana, Papa, and Aunt Amy for spending the day with me. I had such a fun day.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Here is a picture of Adam with his two cousins, Soren & Hanna. Hanna is a very sweet baby. She slept through the noise from the two boys and even some poking as Adam tried to grab her toes and show us her eyes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Proud...

Adam went to the park with Grandma & Grandpa Dynan, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Jenn & Uncle Mike. Normally, Adam enjoys the sand more than the playground equipment, but he ventured out and wanted to try out everything on this trip. Here is a picture of him after one of his trips down the slide. He is so proud of himself and having so much fun.