Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Sled

Adam got a new sled for Christmas and it was finally warm enough to get outside for a bit and try it out!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Eleven Months Old

Adam is learning so much right now. He constantly amazes us with what he is able to do or understand. Here are the highlights at month eleven:

  • The biggest change is that Adam began walking a few weeks ago. He gets more confident (and daring) each day.
  • His molars have started coming in. He gets quite cranky when he is cutting teeth so we will all be happy when these finally come all the way in.
  • Adam is somewhat of a picky eater. He likes pizza, grilled cheese, toast, deli ham, and all fruits. It's a challenge to get him to eat any other meat or vegetables though. The good news is that he has finally taken to eating off a spoon, but he insists on trying to feed himself in the process. It's messy, but he's starting to get the hang of it.

  • Adam is constantly babbling and starting to make many new noises which are actually starting to sound like words. It's hard to admit, but we think his first word is Chase (the dog). I guess Aaron and I know where we rate.
  • When Adam was sick with the flu, we introduced him to some Sesame Street videos on the computer. He LOVES them. It is the only time that he sits still and he leads us into the office and points to the computer several times a day hoping to watch them.

  • Adam loves to climb on things and has mastered climbing up the stairs.

  • He's so much fun and loves to be silly. What will the next month bring?!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Brr! It's cold...

It was too cold to do much of anything this week, so I was lucky to have some playmates over to the house a few days to keep busy. Here I am with Drew and Ethan.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Adam started off the new year on the right foot (and the left one too). He is officially walking!